Saturday 18 May, 14:15:49


Brabant flamand (54m)

Saturday 18 May, 14:10
Most recent Historical data Monthly data Yearly data
Daily data
18 May 2024
Previous 24h
Parameter Actual Min. Max. Avg. Tot. Min. Max. Avg. Tot.
Precipitation (10 min) mm 0.00 0.00 0.20 5.00 0.00 0.20 10.60

* Parameters in bold are measured by different sensors, other parameters are calculated valued from different parameters and/or times.

* Actual = during the 10 minutes preceding observation time

* Minimum = lowest value since midnight

* Maximum = highest value since midnight

* Average = average value since midnight

* Total = total of the numbers since midnight

* Cloudbase = calculated height for cloud formation by convection; below this height clouds are dissolving

* Precipitation intensity (rain gauge) = average precipitation intensity during the past 10 minutes

* Precipitation intensity radar = average precipitation intensity during the last minute preceding observation time

* Pressure at sea level = station pressure reduced to sea level taking into account height and temperature

* Pressure tendency 3h = change in atmospheric pressure during the last 3 hours, + is rising, - is falling | uses cookies to improve your experience on our site.
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